benjamin gregg
visiting researcher
Visiting researcher, summer 2019, otherwise professor for social and political theory at the University of Texas at Austin. Currently working on a book (for Cambridge UP) on "political bioethics". On July 4 at 12:30 will present at CRI a paper on << Can Biological Research Advance Social Justice? Deploying Epigenetics to Identify Genetically Influenced Social Inequalities >>.
benjamin's Bio

B.A., Yale University; Ph.D. Princeton University; D.Phil. Freie Universität Berlin


Thick Moralities, Thin Politics (Duke University Press)

Coping in Politics with Indeterminate Norms (SUNY Press)

Human Rights as Social Construction (Cambridge University Press)

The Human Rights State (University of Pennsylvania Press)

Work-in-progress: Human Nature as Cultural Design: The Political Challenges of Human Genetic Engineering (CUP)

ARITICLES 2017-2019

“The Human Rights State: Advancing Justice through Political Imagination,” in Kerstin Schmidt, ed., The State of Human Rights: Historical Genealogies, Political Controversies, and Cultural Imaginaries. Heidelberg, Germany: Winter Verlag [forthcoming 2019]

“Against Self-Isolation as a Human Right of Indigenous Peoples in Latin America,” Human Rights Review [forthcoming 2019]

“Indigeneity as Social Construct and Political Tool,” Human Rights Quarterly [forthcoming 2019]

“Vom Nutzen und Nachteil der Biotechnik: Zur normativen Einschätzung der Humangenmanipulation [On the Use and Abuse of Biotechnology: Toward a Normative Evaluation of Human Genetic Engineering], in Brigitte Keplinger, ed., Zur Optimierung des Menschen [On the Genetic Optimization of the Human Being], Conference Proceedings, Linz, Austria [forthcoming 2019]

“How to Read for Current Developments in Human Genetics Relevant to Justice,” Journal of Politics and Life Sciences 37 (2) (2018):262-277

“The Coming Political Challenges of Artificial Intelligence” in Ramón Reichert, Mathias Fuchs, Pablo Abend, Annika Richterich and Karin Wenz (eds.), Digital Culture & Society 4 (1) (2018):157-180

“Human Genetic Engineering: Biotic Justice in the Anthropocene?” in Dominick DellaSala and Michael Goldstein, eds. Encyclopedia of the Anthropocene, Vol. 4. Oxford, UK: Elsevier (2018):351-359

“A Socially Constructed Human Right to the Self-Determination of Indigenous Peoples,” Deusto Journal of Human Rights [Spain] 1 (2017):105-143

“The Human Rights State: Theoretical Challenges, Empirical Deployments: Critical Analyses of the Human Rights State in Theory and Deployment: Reply to My Critics,” International Journal of Human Rights 21 (3) (2017):359-385

“A Realistic Utopia? Critical Analyses of The Human Rights State in Theory and Deployment: Guest Editors’ Introduction,” with René Wolfsteller, International Journal of Human Rights 21 (3) (2017):219-229

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Papers available here: