Tim Dobbs
I research ways to use robots and software to help more people do synthetic biology. Let's make cheap-but-good things together!
Tim's Bio

I have a B.S. in Chemical Engineering from the University of Connecticut, and I have worked in the Biotech industry for more than 10 years. My most recent work was as a fermentation and data engineer at Amyris, a company engineering yeast to produce industrially-relevant chemicals.

My professional interests are in bringing together automation and data systems to help people understand and be creative with synthetic biology.

My latest project is BioArtBot, a website where anyone can make a drawing and have it bio-printed onto an agar plate with living, bacterial ink. I'm now working on developing the platform to support further design choices and do more complex things with biology. This project is open source and community-driven, so I'd love to talk about how we can collaborate and do even more interesting things with affordable automation.

I love to play ultimate frisbee. Let me know if you ever want to play or throw around. I also make music - mostly little bedroom pop songs, but I enjoy a good jam session as well. My strangest hobby, perhaps, is enjoying visiting different grocery stores and markets around the world and noticing all the little differences in the ways people arrange and market food.