samantha rocío hurtado woenckhaus
samantha rocío's Bio

Hello :)

I'm psychologist, oriented to education and mental health. Aiming to understand more about the different neuropsychological conditions and brain through science and research, to find my own path in how to collaborate on improving the well-being of people who carry this kind of conditions and to make this time on earth more inclusive and understanding with each other.

The world told me that I can't be an artist, but little did it know that I am self-thaught

I am up to drawing dates or art safaris ≧◡≦

About my professional experience [Updated]

In the last year, I did an internship in colaboration with the CRI and Institut Pasteur with Dr. Roberto Toro. We assessed the volume of the Corpus Callosum in patients with Autism through MRI, it was awesome!


I was fortunate to meet many wonderful children, teenagers and emergent adults with disabilities and learning disorders; performing cognitive assessments, adaptive behavior assessment and interventions to support their school life and academic performance.

🧠 Conference: A walk through the complexity & diversity of research in Neurosciences
Exposes different areas and research projects in the field of Neurosciences
Effects of E-learning on students’ stress and attention span during the COVID-19 pandemic
Analyze how e-learning in pandemic affects students’ stress and attention span.
Plant Health, Citizen Science Projects
Science for a Greener Planet