Radoslaw Ejsmont
Long term fellow
I am a researcher focused on gene expression regulation in development, regulatory network reconstruction, in vivo quantitative genomics, synthetic biology, and novel technology development. I love using imaging and automated image processing in quantitative biology. I am a devoted Fiji/ImageJ fan and developer.
Radoslaw's Bio

I am a long-term fellow leading the SyntheticFlyLab. Our team will develop a comprehensive set of synthetic biology tools (genetic LEGO blocks) to study and recreate gene regulatory networks (networks of genes that regulate other genes) using fruitfly Drosophila melanogaster as a model.

 I am a hobby photographer, biker and private pilot. I am running networks as a hobby and develop some software from time to time. Some people say that I am a geek...

COVID-19 Response Initiative
Development of strategies to reduce the risk COVID-19 transmission at CRI
We develop synthetic transcription factors in Drosophila melanogaster
Effects of E-learning on students’ stress and attention span during the COVID-19 pandemic
Analyze how e-learning in pandemic affects students’ stress and attention span.
Rainbow Dash
Development of synthetic pigment biosynthesis pathways in Drosophila
Freeze the flies - free your lab!
The clock of ageing
Building an artificial molecular clock to measure time passing in multiple flies of a single cohort
Retinal determination network
We aim to decipher the gene regulatory network driving photoreceptor specification
We push the limits of CRISPR genome engineering in the fruit fly
Open Science AIRE Course
Learning by doing Open Science
develop and build a cheap anti-"flying pests" LASER on the principle of Nathan Myhrvold's mosquito laser