michael rera
core fellow
Studying ageing starting from the end-of-life...
michael's Bio

After a Magistère Européen de Génétique at Université Paris Diderot, Michael received his PhD in Genetics. He started studying ageing in the lab of Hervé Tricoire (Université de Paris, CNRS) by focusing on mitochondria's role in longevity. Then he moved to the lab of David Walker (University of Califoria, Los Angeles) to study the role of mitochondrial biogenesis in intestinal stem cells for healthspan and longevity. During his postdoctoral research he discovered and first described in 2011 the Smurf phenotype - an increased intestinal permeability measured in vivo thanks to a blue food dye. Recruited as a CNRS researcher in 2013, his research focused on developing a novel two-phase of ageing framework for studying ageing based on the Smurf phenotype. He later showed that this model can be applied in other common model organisms such as nematodes and the zebrafish. In 2018 he was awarded an ATIP/Avenir grant to start his own group and accelerate the development of the two phases ageing model and further extend the organisms it applies to.

As of summer 2020, he will join the CRI to develop novel early markers of ageing and understand what are the molecular origins of ageing.

Fly wrangler, ageing, cooking, climbing, geeking, discovering, asking new questions or old questions with a fresh angle

Effects of E-learning on students’ stress and attention span during the COVID-19 pandemic
Analyze how e-learning in pandemic affects students’ stress and attention span.
Predicting the putative importance of a SNP: application to ageing
The goal of this project is to provide objective predictors of the a SNP's putative effect.
Deciphering ageing by deconvolving physiological and chronological ages
Better understand ageing by using the two-phase ageing model
A universal model for ageing
Validating and characterizing the two-phase ageing model across organisms.
The clock of ageing
Building an artificial molecular clock to measure time passing in multiple flies of a single cohort
Open Science AIRE Course
Learning by doing Open Science
The gene networks driving ageing
Infer the gene regulatory network changes occuring during ageing and the Smurf transition.
Ethical and social implications of approaching death prediction in humans - when the biology of ageing meets existential issues
Outlining and discussing the implications of predicting incoming natural death in humans.
Understanding the broad presence of ageing in living organisms
Identifying the selective value of ageing.
Mechanisms of ageing: from the first gene to systemic approaches
Giving a fresh overview of the ageing research field and outline the road ahead
SNP-based prediction of life expectancy using Drosophila
Develop a predictive model of life expectancy based on one's Single Nucleotide Polymorphism profile using Drosophila.