Liubov Tupikina
Associate researcher
Liubov's Bio

Currently from 2019 I am researcher at Bell labs working on machine learning methods development for trajectories analysis and causal discovery from time-series, explainable AI methods (embeddings, higher-order structures).

Before joining LPI I worked as a researcher in Ecole Polytechnqiue (stochastic processes on networks), Humboldt University (representation and analysis of your data as networks).

In 2018 I was short-term fellow at CRI, working on two different projects at CRI. First of all, I was working on analysis spreading processes in networks: epidemics spreading, mathematical foundation of information spreading, first-passage time network measures. We published several works on networks analysis (percolation of networks) and universal properties of trajectories.

I also cofounded the science-outreach scientists-schools network "Lecturers without borders" which brings together scientists traveling around the globe to come to high-schools in remote areas, share knowledge and critical thinking.

Liubov is a mathematician and a theoretical physicist by training, with a PhD from Humbolt University. She studies mathematics in Moscow State University (MSU). 

She is interested in the complex networks and processes on them. She also develops the international scientists-schools network exploring potential of scientific networks.  

She works on the interface of physics, maths, data analysis and also is interested in the data visualisation methods.

My scientific projects are also listed on my project page .

CorrelAid Paris
Data science for good
Research Unit: Learning Transitions
Learning about transitions & transitions of learning
Quantifying the rise and fall of Scientific Research Fields
Mapping scientific trajectories to uncover the universal patterns behind paradigms
Mobility analysis
Analysis of mobility data for social good. Analysis of individual trajectories and global open data of human travels.
Network seminars at LPI
This event brings together network scientists to discuss open network problems
Lecturers without borders
Connecting travelling scientists and schools
Analyzing heterogeneous spreading dynamics
Develop analytical and numerical tools for analysis of heterogeneous spreading
Participatory approaches for sustainable urban systems
developing participatory approaches, community-based research and analysis of the knowledge co-produced by the community
Sharing circles
Learning to codesign sharing circles for peacemaking