Vincent LIBIS
I am interested in using synthetic biology for therapeutic innovation. These days I work on developing methods to rapidly discover novel bioactive microbial metabolites. Molecules of this type play important roles in medicine and they are a key source of antibiotics, anticancer agents or immunosuppressants. I spend most of my time developing sequencing, bioinformatics and molecular biology methods but I also like to think about how we can involve the general public in helping to source new medicines through citizen science projects.
Vincent's Bio

-PharmD - Strasbourg University

-M2 AIV (AIRE - LiSC) -FDV (FIRE) PhD - Paris Cite University

-cofounder - Abolis Biotechnologies SAS

-Postdoc - The Rockefeller University

“Enabling planetary scale survey of the biosynthetic potential of actinobacteria through massively parallel sequencing”
the development of a barcoded PCR protocol, which is designed to directly amplify biosynthetic genes of interest from Actinobacteria without the trouble of DNA isolation methods
Science à la Pelle
Trouver des médicaments sous nos pieds