flaminia zane
phd student
flaminia's Bio

How does life arise from the fine combination of inanimate molecules? Fascinated by this question, I enrolled for a Bsc program in Molecular Biology back in 2013 at the University of Padua, Italy. Thanks to my internship at the Computational Biology group led by Pr Chiara Romualdi (http://romualdi.bio.unipd.it/) I got interested in bioinformatics and mathematical modeling of biological systems. In particular, I was involved in the characterization of biomarkers of stage I epithelial ovarian cancer through microarray data analysis (https://www.mdpi.com/2073-4409/8/12/1554). I pursued with a Master in Molecular Biology at the same University, to then coming to Paris for a double degree program with the European Master of Genetics (http://www.magisteregenet.univ-paris-diderot.fr/).

Following the path of my previous internship, I decided to learn more about mathematics applied to biology, and I did my master internship under the supervision of Grégory Nuel at the Statistics and Probability Lab, Sorbonne Université, working on inference of directed acyclic structures in gene regulatory networks from gene expression data. I then pursued with a PhD in both experimental and computational biology under the supervision of Dr Michael Rera and Dr Grégory Nuel.

I am currently interested in studying the transcriptional changes that occur during ageing and in particular before death, using a biphasic model of ageing and the fly Drosophila melanogaster as model organism. By understading the mechanisms that lead to its failure, we can move one step closer to grasping the very processes on which life relies. I am joining the CRI in my second year of PhD with the UTElife group led my Dr Michael Rera.