Gregory Nuel
affiliate faculty
Gregory's Bio

Gregor Nuel is a senior CNRS researcher of the Institute of Mathematics (INSMI) working in Laboratory of Probability, Statistics and Modeling (LPSM, CNRS 8001) at Sorbonne Université. Since 2018, G. Nuel is the head of the Stochastics and Biology Group. Throughout his career, G. Nuel has developed a genuine interest for biomedical applications in probability and statistics based on his strong theoretical background in mathematics. He is an expert in computational statistics (simulations, the expectation-maximization algorithm, Markov chain Monte Carlo techniques, etc.) and models with latent variables (Markov chains, hidden Markov models, Bayesian networks, etc.). He has a great interest for applications in bioinformatics, statistical genetics, cancer epidemiology, tropical diseases, and clinical research.
