Lisa Jacquey
PhD in Cognitive Science - Premiers Cris co-founder & Postdoctoral fellow
Lisa's Bio

I was part of the first batch of the FdV bachelor's degree! I then completed a master's degree in cognitive science, and then came back to the CRI doctoral school to do my PhD, under the supervision of Kevin O'Regan (University of Paris) and Rana Esseily (University Paris Nanterre). My work focused on the development of infant body know-how, and how it applies to robotics. I am now a part-time post-doctoral fellow at CRI, as part of the IM-TWIN project. I study emotion recognition based on physiological measurements in children aged 3 to 5 years.

In parallel to my academic research activity, I co-founded in 2018 Premiers Cris with Marion Voillot. Premiers Cris is the collaboratory on early childhood of the CRI. At Premiers Cris, I am in charge of the research projects and the evaluation of our activities.

Cognitive Sciences & Society
MOOC La petite culture numérique : le développement du tout petit à l'ère numérique
En 5 épisodes, ce MOOC questionne le développement du tout-petit à l'ère numérique.
Un espace interactif, numérique et tangible pour les tout-petits
Méthodologie Premiers Cris de recherche-action collaborative
Cette méthodologie en 8 points repose sur la complémentarité entre deux méthodes de recherche, en Science et en Design.
from Intrinsic Motivations to Wearable INtelligent companions for autism spectrum disorder