Kseniia Konishcheva
FIRE PhD student
PhD student working on statistics, machine learning, and linked data technologies in application for mental health. My academic background is in computer science and big data, as well as a Master's degree in interdisciplinary life sciences from CRI.
Kseniia's Bio
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My Mind Matters Quiz / Online mental health recommendation tool
Much as you can build your own personality profile using an online questionnaire, we are building an adaptive questionnaire to help you build your own mental health profile
Linked Semantic Mental Health Database
Mapping symptoms & behaviours to subjective & objective measures, projects, community initiatives and technologies
Predicting Diagnosis Using Healthy Brain Network (HBN) Data
Using item-level responses from assessments from the Healthy Brain Network dataset to predict risk for learning disorders in children and adolescents.
Learner Individualized Support Assistant - Internship
A novel individualized, scalable, machine learning-assisted, online solution that automates the recommendation of adaptive support strategies and interventions (including determination of interventions and identification of appropriate classroom accommodations and assistive technologies) to each learner’s profile for students in school.
LISA is an interface between educators and child development experts, jointly pursuing the common goals of improving educational opportunity, well-being, and optimal social-emotional outcomes for all children.