Previously researcher at the Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities (Austrian Academy of Sciences). PhD in Sociology on the Information and Knowledge Society from the Internet Interdisciplinary Institute at Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC), under the direction of Dr. Mayo Fuster Morell. Collaborator of the research group, focused on digital Commons and policy co-creation for the platform economy.
Member of the Platoniq collective and co-founder of the platform for civic crowdfunding. Enric has also been a research fellow at CECAN (University of Surrey), former vice-president of the Observatory for CyberSociety and associated professor of software studies at the UOC. Certified Scrum Master by the Scrum Alliance and co-creation facilitator in projects like Europeana Creative or the Connected Action for the Commons network of the European Cultural Foundation.
Enric also worked as a coordinator at Citilab-Cornellà living lab and as online content coordinator of the Infonomía network, as well as implemented eLearning projects and open educational resources for various institutions, like the Government of Catalonia or the Mozilla Foundation.